This is an Irish unicef ambassador and former Ireland and Munster (just signed for Worcester) rugby great Donnacha O'Callaghan giving is heartfelt plea for action.
"You're putting your life on red and black"
so i had a discussion with my mother about this, and she claims that because of this that: "we are surely living in the last days right now" while i must admit myself that the situation seem chaotic, i don't want to believe that it is the last days.
so question is, how do i face an opinion like that?
This is an Irish unicef ambassador and former Ireland and Munster (just signed for Worcester) rugby great Donnacha O'Callaghan giving is heartfelt plea for action.
"You're putting your life on red and black"
so i had a discussion with my mother about this, and she claims that because of this that: "we are surely living in the last days right now" while i must admit myself that the situation seem chaotic, i don't want to believe that it is the last days.
so question is, how do i face an opinion like that?
Same has happened here in Ireland today OrphanCrow having followed this Icelandic initiative.
Many like ourselves have pledged a room in a our house, provided in my case that our landlord doesn't object (he's pretty cool so I'd suspect he'd offer one of his own rooms too).
Problem is our government to date insists on all asylum seekers going into centres that are cramped and horrible where they will wait for 6/7/8 years to get processed, in the meantime unable to legally work. I'm hoping one of the things this crisis will do is quicken the asylum seeking process. Though we are talking about Irish governments. *sigh*
so i had a discussion with my mother about this, and she claims that because of this that: "we are surely living in the last days right now" while i must admit myself that the situation seem chaotic, i don't want to believe that it is the last days.
so question is, how do i face an opinion like that?
Funnily enough though kaik two of the three countries that Merkel recently criticised for not taking their fair share of refugee's in this crisis, Ireland and the UK, both announced today they will be taking more.
So it would seem there is a need. Look people don't risk there lives travelling seas in overcrowded leaking boats unless they are desperate. They just don't so stop saying this is about immigration when it is clearly about refugee's
Not sure if this has been posted here already but watch/read it and tell me this isn't about refugee's desperate to escape. : Desperate crossing
so i had a discussion with my mother about this, and she claims that because of this that: "we are surely living in the last days right now" while i must admit myself that the situation seem chaotic, i don't want to believe that it is the last days.
so question is, how do i face an opinion like that?
Here is the memorial in County Cork commemorating it:
well, here i am.. hello world, mrs. eden sending regards to everyone.
my english is limited, so please go easy on me.. mrs. eden.
Hello and welcome Mrs Eden.
I'm kind of new here too, they seem an alright bunch though. :)
my wife and i just found out that our disassociation was announced last night.!.
i'd like to take a moment to thank some people:.
so i had a discussion with my mother about this, and she claims that because of this that: "we are surely living in the last days right now" while i must admit myself that the situation seem chaotic, i don't want to believe that it is the last days.
so question is, how do i face an opinion like that?
I suspect that the majority of the UK population don't want to take more refugees/migrants. Still, why let democracy get in the way, eh?
I'm not in the UK so can't speak for them but the Irish especially with our history of forced emigration when we had to flee the famine to the US because Europe's borders were closed to us should be a kick up our holes to do something and help.
I often think of the Choctaw Indians who, only 16 years after there own trail of tears and in the midst of their own poverty, raised money to provide famine relief in Ireland. We still owe them a moral debt that can only be discharged by our own humanitarian action towards others in need.
It's alright if you don't feel that need or compulsion to help. You're not in a minority.
so i had a discussion with my mother about this, and she claims that because of this that: "we are surely living in the last days right now" while i must admit myself that the situation seem chaotic, i don't want to believe that it is the last days.
so question is, how do i face an opinion like that?
what's wrong with using the term 'migrants'? It's descriptive, i.e. people migrating from one country to another are migrants. Some are refugees, but not all.
Migrants has come to describe those who leave a country voluntarily to say look for work or because they fell in love.
Refugee's are people displaced and fleeing war as these people from Syria and Eritrea are.
we can choose to deal with the problem at source by giving overseas aid to ensure refugee camps are in better condition, plus leaning on Iran and Saudi to start helping. So far they've done jack sh1t to help their so-called 'Muslim brothers'.
Just because others abdicate their responsibilities to help other human beings doesn't excuse us from helping either. I don't give jack s**t what Saudi or Iran do but I care about what my government are doing or not doing and so I mailed every politician in Dáil Éireann today including TD's and Senators. I also mailed all Irish MEP's. I am also actively online with others looking at whether it is feasible to set up something like in Iceland where we open our homes and provide some assistance for fellow human beings. I'm not going to sit on my arse and say it's terrible and someone should sort it. I will not be quiet anymore.
so i had a discussion with my mother about this, and she claims that because of this that: "we are surely living in the last days right now" while i must admit myself that the situation seem chaotic, i don't want to believe that it is the last days.
so question is, how do i face an opinion like that?
these refugees are the new untermensch by how they are treated imo.
They are even being referred to in the press as migrants rather than refugees. It's disgusting the propaganda that the press are spewing out for the EU governments.
Here in Ireland it usually takes 6/7/8 years to process a refugee application? Some kids in our refugee centres have never experienced a home.
That poor little kid, as someone elsewhere said:
"It's the clothes that got me. Somebody loved him enough to dress him, to tell him to get on a boat and come with them because it would all be alright. Somebody probably sang him a song to comfort him.
RIP Aylan Kurdi
thanks to the searcher and diogenesister i've come up with this topic.
far from the madding crowd.
my situation since i've become inactive.